Most of you know that I am owner of a scrap booking group called ChitChattin_N_Scrappin. The participation level was pretty near to nothing and it was very discouraging.. I sent an email to the group stating that I thought I was just going to close it down due to activity. I hated to do that because my Katie named it and I love the name and I love the members. I knew that I could catch up with most of them because I am in other groups where some are members and I have email addys of everyone and have made some really good friends.
Still it's hard to give up because then you are left with a feeling of failure. I know everyone has problems, life issues, illnesses , jobs, this stinking economy..and more but I would see them active on other groups and it made me wonder why.
I am on several groups that uses the YIM to have conferences and the webcams and microphones have made the interaction so much fun. Classes are being held where you can learn new techniques or work along side someone teaching a class on a layout, card or other items and I so wanted that for my group but just couldn't seem to get it going.
Along came Jeri..bless her heart she stepped up to the plate for me and gave me ideas for a challenge and then she agreed to teach a class. So ChitChattin had it's first class on Thursday this week and nearly half of the members showed and it was a success! I knew that once they participated they would see how fun it would be and how they could use this tool to learn..
We started a challenge where we put our names in alphabetical order and every three days a member posts a new challenge for a layout, tag, etc... while the posting of the challenges is every three days they actually have five days to post the finished product to an album and providing there are at least three entries or more a poll will be established for voting on the fave from that challenge and a prize will be awarded. All but two have signed up out of 16 and that is a wonderful thing! So we will see how it goes.
The 29Th of May is the one year anniversary of the group and I am going to hold a crop with challenges and prizes. I am excited to see it moving along.
Have I ever mentioned that I just love my Internet friends???
5 days ago
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