Welcome to the Memories in Tyme blog hops - where you will find some seriously talented people who love to share their ideas with you! Our hop today is anything relating to Weddings or Anniversaries - doesn’t matter if it is a layout, card, mini album, or decorating item, if it’s about getting married…it’ll be here!!! June is one of the busiest times to get married - why not get started a bit earlier this year with all the ideas you will find from our blog hop!
Now, if you just happened upon my blog, then please go back to the beginning which is at Lynda’s blog (http://memoriesintyme.com/). Besides, the beginning is always the best anyway!!!
Let’s get started with the ideas:
Back in the Land Before Time, lived a 17 year old young lady and a 20 year old dashing young man who decided to wed only 5 short days after the young lady graduated high school.
I was so in love. We were supposed to get married on June12th but that was Bible School week and my mom was in charge of it. She didn't have the heart to ask us to wait until the 19th so we chose June 5th. When I think back to just how much I put my mother through those weeks with graduation, the wedding and then her having to still prepare for Bible School throughout all of it , I somewhat feel ashamed of myself. But it is what it is or should I say it was what it was..lol
I chose to have a chapel wedding because I knew the cost of graduation and a wedding were going to be hard on my family but it is a choice to this day that I am glad I made. It was small and intimate although there were about 150 people who came.
I chose the street length dress because I just didn't feel that we could afford a long formal one but I was in love with this dress too. I think I paid $45 for it and it wasn't until a year later when my brother got married and his wife had a beautiful full length princess style dress she only paid $60 for , that I had second thoughts about my choice and thought maybe I should have shopped around more.
The gal on the left is my SIL and on the right is Greta, my maid of honor. I had many friends and had a hard time trying to decide who should stand with me. Since I could only have two and one had to be my SIL, I chose Greta, a friend from church. Her mother made their dresses. Jim is flanked by my cousin Frank and his brother, Gary. Jim was petrified and if you look close in the pictures his hands are flared and stiff..identical in every picture! lol
Ahh, the classic parents picture!! :) Only his parents are standing by me and mine are standing by him..lol My dad is on the right. He just went to Heaven last month..
This is one of only a couple pics that I have any embellies on because I just haven't had time to finish this album the way I want it to be. As it is, it is a 5 x 7 and these are the only pictures!! Back then you just didn't' go to the extremes they do today.
Husband and wife!!!
Let me draw attention to the bulletin board above our heads...See the guy scratching his head like he is thinking.."What were you thinking?" LOL ( I think it will enlarge if you click on it)
I love this picture and it is the only one I had blown up to an 8 x 10. Coming down the steps we are surrounded by all of my cousins and closest friends. Not to mention Jim is finally relaxed!
I loved my cake , colors were mint green and pink. No meal for my guests..Very few weddings back then had meals, they just had cake, mints and nuts along with punch. I guess I should mention that this is the church family life center so there was no alcohol or dancing altho none of us were drinkers anyway.
I love these pics..Fun! Unfortunately Jimmy's family was not happy that there was no meal. They thought I just tried to get by cheap. His mother cooked for his sister's wedding, spent the entire day cooking and was shot by the time the wedding took place. I wasn't going to put my mom through that. I always have thought and still think that you should go to a wedding to share the moments not to see how great of a meal you can get.
And finally, here is something else you don't see at wedding receptions any longer..the Bride and Groom opening gifts so that the guests can watch your reaction when you open their gift and then tell them thank you in person...
Well, I didn't mean to post so much and to talk so much but it was fun looking at these again. Like I said, it is a 5 x 7 album and I still have finishing embellishments to do but I liked the matching background papers and the colors of my mattes. I really didn't have enough photos to do a 12 x 12 album but I think the 5 x 7 turned out well. Message here is, it doesn't always need to be grand but it does need to be preserved.
Hope you enjoyed seeing how we did it in the old days..
Blog candy from Memories in Tyme…One lucky winner for June will receive a goodie pack for scrapbooking - in order to get in on the drawing, make sure to:
1. Be a follower of Lynda's blog!
2. Please check out everyone's blogs and leave a comment on theirs...the more you do the more entries you will get!
Thank you for checking out my project, now follow the links below. Each of these ladies have spent time and energy creating items to share with you. Please take a moment to leave a comment for them. Next up on the hop is (name of the next person as you link up), make sure you check out her fun project!!!
Here is a list of participants in case you get lost along the way:
1. Lynda J - http://memoriesintyme.blogspot.com
2. Gill - http://creationsbygillm.blogspot.com
3. Claire - http://www.scrapmyway.blogspot.com/
4. Lori - http://scrappinmystressaway.blogspot.com/
5. Anita - http://www.anitaandbugs.blogspot.com/
6. Lisa - http://handmadewithlove-lisa.blogspot.com/
7. Vicki - http://mawmawsthoughts.blogspot.com
Vicki - I am so glad you were able to get in on this hop and I am honored for you to be in this group with me! The layouts are beautiful, the papers are just awesome and I love the simplicity of them - but also love the added touches! LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM!!!
WOW what a fantastic memory for you. The photos are amazing and you look great in your dress. So glad you took part in the hop, great hopping with you.
Totally love your wedding story!!!! Great papers you used in your album too!!! Thanks for sharing your work and your story!!
Oh, Vicki.... How beautiful!! I absolutely LOVED seeing all of this.... Your stories about your photos and experiences are always such a treat to read -- it's like listening to an old friend talk about special moments...
I wish weddings today could be more like yours... It really is about the memories and moments, not the meal or dress or open bar! Thank you for sharing this! :)
I'm so honored to know you, and I really look forward to the next post you share!! :)
Amy :) at www.lovetocrop.com
Oh Vicki...I can so relate to those times!! I guess I'll have to post pics of mine as well one day! I enjoyed your whole synopsis of your special day and SPECIAL it was! You look so young and innocent and the photo of you on the steps is truly a memorable one. I especially can relate to the one with your Dad...I feel the same way when I look at pics of mine. Please share it with us again when you finish the embellishments.
Thanks for making it into the hop, sorry for my last minute addition but now you know why from FB.
Creative Wishes,
Claire S.
What a lovely album and it looks lovely- I really like the paper you choose and it is obviously very special and you still have your loving memories so what a beautiful way to commemorate a day. rlovew1976 at yahoo.com
Maybe I'm in the wrong place, but I was looking for the Reason for the Season blog hop.
I can't wait to see your project!
Hi beautiful creation...you are on the list for the "Reason for the Season blog hop", but I don't see it listed...hope I made it to the right place.
Fabulous.. New follower.
I was following the Reason for the Season hop, I hope all is well with you!
I realize I don't know you, but I'm nominating you anyway for the Liebster Award. Check out my blog for details: http://jasonmrazwasright.blogspot.com/
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