
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Welcome to the Memories in Tyme blog hops - where you will find some seriously talented people who love to share their ideas with you! Our hop today is anything relating to Weddings or Anniversaries - doesn’t matter if it is a layout, card, mini album, or decorating item, if it’s about getting married…it’ll be here!!! June is one of the busiest times to get married - why not get started a bit earlier this year with all the ideas you will find from our blog hop!

Now, if you just happened upon my blog, then please go back to the beginning which is at Lynda’s blog ( Besides, the beginning is always the best anyway!!!

Let’s get started with the ideas:

Back in the Land Before Time, lived a 17 year old young lady and a 20 year old dashing young man who decided to wed only 5 short days after the young lady graduated high school.

 I was so in love.  We were supposed to get married on June12th but that was Bible School week and my mom was in charge of it.  She didn't have the heart to ask us to wait until the 19th so we chose June 5th.  When I think back to just how much I put my mother through those weeks with graduation, the wedding and then her having to still prepare for Bible School throughout all of it , I somewhat feel ashamed of myself.  But it is what it is or should I say it was what it
 I chose to have a chapel wedding because I knew the cost of graduation and a wedding were going to be hard on my family but it is a choice to this day that I am glad I made.  It was small and intimate although there were about 150 people who came.
 I chose the street length dress because I just didn't feel that we could afford a long formal one but I was in love with this dress too.  I think I paid $45 for it and it wasn't until a year later when my brother got married and his wife had a beautiful full length princess style dress she only paid $60 for , that I had second thoughts about my choice and thought maybe I should have shopped around more.
 The gal on the left is my SIL and on the right is Greta, my maid of honor.  I had many friends and had a hard time trying to decide who should stand with me. Since I could only have two and one had to be my SIL, I chose Greta, a friend from church.  Her mother made their dresses.  Jim is flanked by my cousin Frank and his brother, Gary.  Jim was petrified and if you look close in the pictures his hands are flared and stiff..identical in every picture! lol
 Ahh, the classic parents picture!!  :) Only his parents are standing by me and mine are standing by  My dad is on the right.  He just went to Heaven last month..

 This is one of only a couple pics that I have any embellies on because I just haven't had time to finish this album the way I want it to be.  As it is, it is a 5 x 7 and these are the only pictures!!  Back then you just didn't' go to the extremes they do today.

                                                                    Husband and wife!!!

 Let me draw attention to the bulletin board above our heads...See the guy scratching his head like he is thinking.."What were you thinking?"  LOL ( I think it will enlarge if you click on it)

 I love this picture and it is the only one I had blown up to an 8 x 10.  Coming down the steps we are surrounded by all of my cousins and closest friends.  Not to mention Jim is finally relaxed!

 I loved my cake , colors were mint green and pink.  No meal for my guests..Very few weddings back then had meals, they just had cake, mints and nuts along with punch.  I guess I should mention that this is the church family life center so there was no alcohol or dancing altho none of us were drinkers anyway.

 I love these pics..Fun!  Unfortunately Jimmy's family was not happy that there was no meal. They thought I just tried to get by cheap. His mother cooked for his sister's wedding, spent the entire day cooking and was shot by the time the wedding took place.  I wasn't going to put my mom through that.  I always have thought and still think that you should go to a wedding to share the moments not to see how great of a meal you can get.

And finally, here is something else you don't see at wedding receptions any longer..the Bride and Groom opening gifts so that the guests can watch your reaction when you open their gift and then tell them thank you in person...

Well, I didn't mean to post so much and to talk so much but it was fun looking at these again.  Like I said, it is a 5 x 7 album and I still have finishing embellishments to do but I liked the matching background papers and the colors of my mattes. I really didn't have enough photos to do a 12 x 12 album but I think the 5 x 7 turned out well.  Message here is, it doesn't always need to be grand but it does need to be preserved.

Hope you enjoyed seeing how we did it in the old days..

Blog candy from Memories in Tyme…One lucky winner for June will receive a goodie pack for scrapbooking - in order to get in on the drawing, make sure to:
1. Be a follower of Lynda's blog!
2. Please check out everyone's blogs and leave a comment on theirs...the more you do the more entries you will get!

Thank you for checking out my project, now follow the links below.  Each of these ladies have spent time and energy creating items to share with you.  Please take a moment to leave a comment for them. Next up on the hop is (name of the next person as you link up), make sure you check out her fun project!!!

Here is a list of participants in case you get lost along the way:

1.   Lynda J -
2. Gill -
3. Claire -
4. Lori -
5. Anita -
6. Lisa -
7. Vicki -

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mini Albums blog hop 5/14 ONLY

Welcome to the Memories in Tyme blog hops - where you will find some seriously talented people who love to share their ideas with you! Our hop today and tomorrow is anything relating to mini albums - doesn’t matter the size as long as it’s mini and it’s an album!!! This is Lynda’s favorite project - making mini albums - where you can take a set of pictures and scrapbook them and complete a project in a day or less! Great for gifts for special people. Just fun to showcase a trip, birthday or even a shower !

Now, if you just happened upon my blog, then please go back to the beginning which is at Lynda’s blog ( Besides, the beginning is always the best anyway!!!

Here is my mini album and why it was created:

 I work with Developmentally Disabled adults, high functioning and it is hard at Christmas to help them come up with Christmas gifts for their immediate family due to the fact of limited income.  We try to make nice things that we think the ladies, at least, will like.  This past Christmas we made toilet paper roll albums and my guys thoroughly enjoyed it.

 One gentleman is 49 and the other is 34.  They both enjoy scrapbooking and we do alot of it!  In fact I scrap more for them than I do myself!  lol  However, they pick their papers and embellishments and do most of the adhering.  I do alot of the cutting.  It is really fun to see their faces light up when they finish a page or one of these projects.
 I think you can see we alternated the color of inking to give more contrast.  We added a tag with ribbon to the opening of each roll and I purchased the rings at the local craft store.  We could have used ribbon to put them together but the rings make it much easier to turn the pages.
 Needless to say all the ladies loved their albums and they were excited to find out that they were pretty much made by my guys!  I really only worked in an instructor sort of way and stapled the ribbons to the tags.  The guys handled pretty much everything else.
 I put off making these albums because I was intimidated and lacked confidence that I could do well but I have found that they are a wonderful idea, gift and opportunity to help build confidence and excitement for those who are challenged.  They were so proud of their finished products!

 Blog candy from Memories in Tyme…One lucky winner for May is going to win a goodie pack full of fun supplies!!! In order to get in on the drawing, make sure to:
1. Be a follower of Lynda's blog!
2. For extra entries...follow her on Twitter and Facebook Fanpage - information is on her blog!
3. Please check out everyone's blogs and leave a comment on theirs...the more you do the more entries you will get!  But the best reasons for checking out the other blogs and leaving comments is that they are fun to visit and the owners of the blog really enjoy your comments. Constructive comments are as welcome as praise comments.  We all learn from these hops and there is nothing more discouraging than to put time and effort into sharing and coming back and find little response..Thanks in advance because I know your time is important too.

Here is the list of those in this hop:
1. Lynda -
2. Rhonda -
3. Suzanne -
4. Shannon -
5. Anita -
6. Lori -
7. Blue -
8. Vicki -
9. Lisa -

 Next up on the hop is, Lisa make sure you check out her fun project!!!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Welcome to the Memories in Tyme blog hops - where you will find some seriously talented people who love to share their ideas with you! Our hop today and is anything relating to Mothers Day- doesn’t matter if it is a layout, card, mini album, or decorating item, if it’s about mom…it’ll be here!!! We all have one, and some of us even have 2 - or mom’s we wish were ours, and even our friends’ mom’s who turn into ours as well… I have been lucky to have the amount of amazing women in my life, all who have taught me one thing or another about being a mom! Let’s celebrate MOM’s here!!!

Now, if you just happened upon my blog, then please go back to the beginning which is at Lynda’s blog ( Besides, the beginning is always the best anyway!!!

Let’s get started with the ideas:

 This is my Momma at age 35.  I loved this paper because it reminded me so much of the wallpaper in our home all those years ago. It is a perfect layout for the large flower.
 Now my momma is 79 years old and this is the way I think of her..with that great smile on her face.  She had been a wonderful mom, always loving, but always guiding too.  Never afraid to say what she thought about what we were doing even if it would hurt our feelings. She just wanted to train us right. She says that parents today are to afraid of hurting their kids feelings so the kids grow up wrong.   She had been a stalwart Christian and just lost her husband, my dad, April 13th after 63 years of marriage!  It is tough but being Christian she knows that she will see him again one day.

I have spent the last three months at her home helping to take care of Dad on Hospice and we have really had the opportunities to share our thoughts , ideas and feelings.  I am truly blessed!

This layout already had the swirl designs and the border on the paper when I purchased it so I glammed it up a bit with stickles to make my Momma sparkle! :)  The border on the journal box was made with a Martha Stewart punch.  I don't mind the handwritten journaling so much, I just wish I could write in a straight line instead of uphill!  lol

Goodies for you From Memories in Tyme:
 Blog candy from Memories in Tyme…One lucky winner for May will receive a goodie pack for scrapbooking - in order to get in on the drawing, make sure to:
1. Be a follower of Lynda's blog!
2. For extra entries...follow Lynda on Twitter and Facebook Fanpage - information is on her blog! 3. Please check out everyone's blogs and leave a comment on theirs...the more you do the more entries you will get!

Goodies from me:
I will be giving a scrapbooking goodie bag to one lucky commenter on my blog.  It is not required to be a follower on my blog, I have a hard time keeping it up to date with all the life issues going on , but I would love to have your comments on my layouts in this hop.

Thank you for checking out my project, now follow the links below and remember to visit all the stops for MAXIMUM ideas and LOTS OF FUN!!! Next up on the hop is  Janet N, make sure you check out her fun project!!!

Here is the list of participants and their blog addys:

1. Lynda -
2. Suzanne -
3. Claire -
4. Rachel -
5. Janet -
6. Lori -
7. Rhonda E -
8. Anita -
9. Vicki -

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Wow it has been a while since I have posted!  Right after that post is when my dad started really going down hill and my time was spent working and taking care of him and my mom.  I basically moved in to be able to give him the care he needed.  Unfortunately April 14th at 10 AM he went to Glory and is singing with the angels.  I miss him much and helping mom to get things taken care of is almost as big a job as taking care of dad but we are slowly but surely getting through it all.  I will be back.  I see I only need two more followers to have 200.  Think I will have to put together  some prizes soon..:)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Easter BLog Hop 3/24

I love Easter! The air smells fresh, the trees have budded out, birds are everywhere and well, just the colors of Easter are fun! It is a time for family and celebrating our risen Savior! Sometimes it is hard to stay focused on the true meaning of Easter because society promotes the Easter Bunny and candy so much, but I think the Lord understands when we let the children play and have this fantasy. Life is so short and so HARD that childhood should be a time to enjoy. Responsibilities will come soon enough!

This 2 page layout is pre-Annie Leigh! She was my change of life baby and her pictures will come later. Luke and Katie loved hunting for eggs and coloring them as well. Even today, Luke, age 30 wants an Easter Basket! Well he is the one who confesses The others want one but they are just not vocal about it..:)

I wish all of my layouts looked like this one, however this was a class and not my creativity at all..It is fun tho..I love the fake stitching, the pop up pictures, I just love it all!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Which came first - scrapbooking or stamping blog hop 3/2

Memories In Tyme Blog Hop

Welcome to the Which came first - scrapbooking or stamping blog hop. This is a fun hop to see where everyone started and possibly ended up..:) You will want to start with Lynda's first to get the full visit..if you have arrived here from Rachel then you are in the right place. Here we go:

I was introduced to this new to me way of scrapping about 6 years ago, I guess. I had done some scrapbooking as a teenager but never the way it is done today. I just stuck what I wanted to hold onto into a book and scratched a few words and that was it. My cousin Gina started me into it. We would go to an actual scrapbook store! Who would have thought that there could be a store dedicated to nothing but scrap-booking and card making. There were no die cutting machines then, only QuiKutz, Sizzix and I absolutely fell in love with them! Now I have a Cricut machine that I cannot master, the original and everyone else has moved on to the Expression, Silhouette and so many more. Technology is moving at such a pace it is impossible for me to keep up.

To tell you about my first experience with scrapbooking I will show you my very first two pages. I had no idea what to do with it. I am not a creative person at all as far as thinking up something on my own. Now, I can take a page map and by the time I am finished it will look entirely different because my thought process is inspired by the map and then I can come up with some ideas of my own.

This is my first ever layout! It is of my son. I had no clue you could tear a paper from corner to corner and it would be ok and look I would never have thought that you could cut letters out of paper and then use the paper the letters were cut out of instead of the letters! HAHA!

After Regina got me hooked on scrapbooking she quit..I always tell people she dumped me for the Lord since she stopped scrapbooking to work in the music ministry. I guess if I were going to be dumped I would rather it be because of the Lord!!!

The journaling on the first layout is for both pages and it says: Look at those eyes! What a treat you were after waiting nearly 11 years for your arrival. Joe Stehle managed to capture you trying to figure out how the water fountain worked. The upper right corner is a sticker that says: Too Cute..knowing what I know now I would have put it on white paper so it would show up. I just realized as I was posting these pages that Luke is not the same age in Oh well, it is what it is..It is actually my first two layouts ever done and in the same evening.

This is more my style now I think..multiple patterned papers,cut in non-traditional shapes, same for the journal box. This is my son's first son, Nolan obviously at the pool. I think this is probably my favorite layout.

I would hope that you will stop long enough to leave me a comment. Good or bad and I would hope that you would leave some for each of my friends here as you visit their blogs. I'm thinking of some blog candy so you might want to take that moment to drop me a line.:)

From here you will want to visit Janet S. - but Amy has listed the entire group on Inlinkz making it really easy to follow along. Thanks Amy! Enjoy everyone.

Here's a list of the entire hop, in case you get lost along the way or want to revisit anyone (please note that the following links will take you directly to each participants post if you are joining the hop later in the week!!):

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"It's All Song" Blog Hop!

Welcome to the "It's All SONG" Blog Hop!!

Memories In Time Blog Hop

We're so happy you could join us for this super-fun hop showcasing cards, layouts and projects that feature anything and everything about special songs in our lives!!   You'll find an array of ideas throughout this hop -- From decorations to gift ideas and more, we hope you'll enjoy each and every project along the way!!  Be sure to leave a comment at each hop stop to be entered in our Monthly Drawing (details available at

If you've hopped over from Gill.., then you are in the right place!!  If you've just popped in to visit my blog or are reading this via email and you'd like to join our FUN, then please go to Lynda's blog ( to start at the beginning...

For the hop today, I've created .......

I think everyone at one time or another has heard this version of "On Top of Spaghetti".  And I am sure that somewhere in your stash of pictures you have a toddler tearing into a bowl of it!!  LOL  This is my oldest gson, Nolan when he was quite a bit younger having a hay day with his bowl of "Bisketti"!  This hop gave me the perfect opportunity to get these pictures done as well as the next layout you are about to see.

LOL!  This is my Eli-boy, gson number 2, four months younger than his cousin Nolan. I absolutely love these pictures and am waiting for my son to send me pics of Nolan's younger brother Everett, age 2 so I can do a page for him as well.  I did the same layout as you can see but reversed it and used the different color schemes.  If you are not familiar with the song here are the words:

On top of spaghetti,
All covered with cheese
I lost my poor meatball
When somebody sneezed!

It rolled off the table
And on to the floor
And then my poor meatball
It rolled out the door!

It rolled in the garden,
And under a bush,
And then my poor meatball,
Was nothing but mush.

The mush was as tasty
As tasty could be,
And then the next summer,
It grew into a tree.

The tree was all covered,
All covered with moss,
And on it grew meatballs,
And tomato sauce.

So if you eat spaghetti,
All covered with cheese,
Hold on to your meatball,
Whenever you sneeze.

The last three verses are not on the layout because when you are old you forget!  LOL But I wanted you to have all of the verses here for this fun song..

Thanks for stopping by my blog for this hop.  I will be offering a chance to win some blog candy to those who take a moment to leave a comment. I respect your thoughts and view both praise and constructive criticism.

Thank you again for checking out my project...  Now follow the links below and remember to visit all the stops for MAXIMUM ideas and LOTS OF FUN!!

Here's a list of the entire hop, in case you get lost along the way or want to revisit anyone (please note that the following links will take you directly to each participants post if you are joining the hop later in the week!!):

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)