Jan 20th~23
Welcome Everyone, Thank you for stopping by to visit Lluvia's very
first blog hop! Yayyy very excited :) She has a group of very talented crafty people from all over the world who can't wait to share their awesome spaces with you. We hope to inspire you with new ideas for your own craft room/space.
This is a no obligation hop, so if you would like to just browse through the space's, that is totally OK! This hop will be open all weekend long! So no rush!
However, for those of you who like freebies there will be "blog candy" if you follow and comment on each posting and leave a comment with "your best organizational tip" your name will entered in a random drawing to win a $25.00 gift card from Michael's!!! Winner will be announced on Tuesday 1/24/12
Ready, Set, Go!
I was all set to have a great 9 x 9 bedroom converted to my scrap room..Had visions of peg board along one wall so I could just look up and decide which embellishment or ribbon I wanted to use, a wall to wall counter/desk space to work on my projects and just get up, leave everything as is and close the door when I was done. As all wonderful ideas and dreams tend to fade because a great need arises, so did this one! :)
I became legal guardian to a 45 year old woman with down's syndrome who needed a place to live and a bedroom to sleep in..ahhh, there went the scraproom..:) My husband helped me with the area I now use..Can't leave stuff up or out but that is ok. It helps to keep the area clean. While I like it and it is not my dream, at least I have an area to work and not on my kitchen table or counter. Thanks for looking! I would love to read any feedback or ideas you might have to help me utilize it better..
DH built my shelves into the alcove and it has made a world of difference in my organization. There are still a couple of small areas that I need to perfect but for my needs this seems to be working. This is actually my bedroom.
I know to alot of you this does not seem like a lot of paper but it is for me. I get overwhelmed with quantity and it is hard for me to buy more paper until I use alot of what I have. Ironically the stack has grown since this picture was taken!! lol
The jars with the blue lids holding my flowers are actually marshmallow creme jars. I make alot of peanut butter fudge! LOL! But they are perfect for my needs. The stacks behind the pumpkin frame are my acrylic stamps.
These drawer stacks cost me $3 each!! I got them at a garage sale and was so excited. I have a separate drawer for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas and then a drawer for tags, frames, and etc. I have so
Please check out everyone's blogs and give them some encouragement and compliments and may we all learn something from each other's spaces.
Here is the line up~
1st stop
LLuvia- http://sweetbirdmemories.blogspot.com
Brenda- http://brendafrerichs.blogspot.com
CallyAnn- http://callyanncraftycreations.blogspot.com
Kari- http://purplefuntastickcreations.blogspot.com/
Jenny- http://crazyaboutcricut.blogspot.com/
Claire- http://scrapmyway.blogspot.com
Linda- http://thefruitofmyhands.blogspot.com
Mindy- http://papercreationsbymindyblog.blogspot.com/
Zenita- http://www.scrappinwithz.blogspot.com
Liz- http://www.scrapiliciousLife.blogspot.com
Doris- http://mybugandmecreate.blogspot.com
Haidee- http://created2bunique.blogspot.com/
Sam- http://scrappingwithpirkie.blogspot.com/
Perlilla- http://www.perlillapets.blogspot.com/
Vicki- http://mawmawsthoughts.blogspot.com
Barbara- http://barbarab3.blogspot.com
Chrys- http://scrapbookingkampstyle.blogspot.com
Melinda- http://thepaperthumb.blogspot.com/
Julie- http://jk-littlebitofbling.blogspot.com/
Angela- http://Prettifyyourlife.blogspot
Dana- http://Papermemories4u.blogspot.com
Amy Jo- http://lv2scrapandfibrofacts.blogspot.com
Jennifer - http://hydrangeahippo.blogspot.com/