My reaction was.."It's a cow!!!!!!!!" then immediately I heard "BAM!" I had taken the one cow out from under it's legs and it hit the hood of my car and then up into the windshield and over the side or top..not sure which.
Apparently the pasture gate was ajar. The farmer's insurance adjuster called me and she asked if there was anything I could have done to avoid it. There was not..If I would have swerved to the right the cow would have landed on the windshield directly in front of me and if I swerved to the left I would have hit the other cow!
It is amazing the thoughts that sped through my mind while all of this went on. Everything happened so fast but it felt like I was going in slow motion. Of course they totaled my car. It was a 97 with 240,000 miles but it was in great shape and was running good. I cried...I loved my car.... Now I have to deal with the insurance companies not wanting to give me much for it. The Blue Book is $2895 but they say they don't go by Blue Book..Which is ironic because when I buy I will have to buy according to Blue Book.
They have you over a barrel..So I am going to wait it out to see what his insurance offers and then I will determine if I have to get hateful....I know that comes to a surprise to you all but I have been known to get hateful from time to time!!! LOL!!!
So thanks to all of you who have prayed for me through this and please continue to pray that the insurance company will be fair.